[ingo] getFilterList()

Alex Romanauskas alex at romanauskas.com
Thu May 14 19:37:31 UTC 2009


I am new to Horde and Ingo.  I have installed the 1.2.3 Webmail  
Edition of Horde and so far everything is going fine except Ingo.   
 From the main page I receive the error:

  Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in  
/var/www/horde/ingo/lib/Block/overview.php on line 50

Line 50:          foreach ($filters->_filters as $filter) {

And if I go into the Filters section I get:

Fatal error: Call to a member function getFilterList() on a non-object  
in /var/www/horde/ingo/filters.php on line 134

Line 134: $filter_list = $filters->getFilterList();

I am guessing there is something I missed in the config of ingo.   
Anyone have an idea of where to start looking.


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