[ingo] Problem with convert_imp_filters.php
jordi.melero at upcnet.es
jordi.melero at upcnet.es
Wed Dec 23 13:56:08 UTC 2009
Here is the content of the field filters in Oracle:
PREF_UID = 46561826 at ub.edu
PREF_NAME = filters
a:2:{i:0;a:3:{s:6:""fields"";a:1:{i:0;s:4:""from"";}s:4:""text"";s:26:""lentz.buckmantgy at gmail.com"";s:6:""action"";s:6:""delete"";}i:1;a:3:{s:6:""fields"";a:1:{i:0;s:4:""from"";}s:4:""text"";s:23:""nagios at rosina.ird.ub.es"";s:6:""action"";s:6:""delete"";}}
So, I don't undertand why is not converting it to a new "rules" field
in ingo....
"Jan Schneider" <jan at horde.org> escribió:
> Zitat von jordi.melero at upcnet.es:
>> Hello,
>> I want to convert the old IMP filters to INGO rules. The version
>> of imp is 3.1 and the ingo version is 1.2
>> I'm trying to use the script "convert_imp_filters.php" but only
>> have the msg "nothing to do".
>> The database conection (Oracle) is fine and the ingo tables are
>> created with the sql provided in script/sql
> How do you call this script, and do you actually have any "filters"
> preferences for IMP in the horde_prefs table?
> Jan.
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