[ingo] Problem with convert_imp_filters.php

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Dec 23 14:03:42 UTC 2009

Please don't top-post.

Zitat von jordi.melero at upcnet.es:

> "Jan Schneider" <jan at horde.org> escribió:
>> Zitat von jordi.melero at upcnet.es:
>>> Hello,
>>>   I want to convert the old IMP filters to INGO rules. The version  
>>> of imp is 3.1 and the ingo version is 1.2
>>> I'm trying to use the script "convert_imp_filters.php" but only  
>>> have the msg "nothing to do".
>>> The database conection (Oracle) is fine and the ingo tables are  
>>> created with the sql provided in script/sql
>> How do you call this script, and do you actually have any "filters"  
>> preferences for IMP in the horde_prefs table?
> The script is standar wich comes in /horde/ingo/script/upgrades/ the  
> name is convert_imp_filters.php
> Yes, I have actually the filters in the "filters" field into horde_prefs.
> In the script says " Converts a user's preferences from the "old"  
> IMP 3.x or IMP HEAD (pre 4.x) filter data structure to the "new"  
> Ingo 2.x structure."
> Maybe is not the correct script?

And did you read the "Usage:" line, right below that? Did you feed the  
script with the user list?


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