[ingo] Filter not accepted

Dirk Deimeke dirk at deimeke.net
Wed Jul 27 10:58:11 UTC 2011

Answering Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
(Wed, 27 Jul 2011 12:45:03 +0200):

Hi Jan,

> Please don't strip too much information. I already don't know  
> anymore which version of Ingo you use for example.

oh, sorry, did I miss that? I am using the recent version of Horde  
Groupware Webmail Edition and the Ingo version that came with the  

>> So I have one line per forum I use, each on the senders address.
> You mean one criteria per forum? The address fields only allow a  
> single line anyway.

Yes, you are right, I did not find the correct word.

One criterion contains "Mails from forum at example.org", the next  
contains "Mails from admin at forum.example.com". And if any of them  
matches the mails should go to the folder "2do".

>> The filter should trigger the move if any of the sender addresses  
>> is matched, but it filters only if the first one in the list matches.
>> $conf[storage][driver] SQL
>> $conf[storage][params][driverconfig] Horde defaults
>> $conf[storage][maxblacklist] 0
>> $conf[storage][maxwhitelist] 0
>> $conf[rules][userheader] (ticked)
>> $conf[spam][compare] String
>> $conf[spam][header] X-Spam-Level
>> $conf[spam][char] *
>> $conf[menu][apps] (none chosen)
> And which filter backend do you use?

Where can I find that information? I did not touch anything but  
"userheader" so it should not be sieve, correct?



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