[ingo] Ingo doesn't generate procmailrc file correctly (maildir) .

Paul Griffith paulg at cse.yorku.ca
Fri Mar 27 16:15:34 UTC 2015


   I am running into roadblock with Ingo and procmail, likely of my own 
doing. I am running the latest Horde Framework with IMP, Ingo and 
Turba.  This is just a basic webmail setup. I believe my 
backends.local.php is correct but  the .procmailrc file that is 
generated is incorrect, it treats the procmail folders as mbox style and 
not maildir. It is as if it doesn't read my backends.local.php file.

Here is my backends.local.php file for Ingo

# pwd

# cat backends.local.php
$backends['imap']['disabled'] = true ;
$backends['procmail']['disabled'] = false ;
$backends['procmail']['script']['Ingo::RULE_ALL']['params']['path_style'] = 
'maildir' ;

Here is snipped from 'show active script'

14: ##### ml.horde-ingo #####
      15: :0
      16: * ^List-Id:.*ingo\.lists\.horde\.org
      17: ml.d/horde.ingo
      18: ##### ml.spamassassin #####

Any pointers ??

Thank You

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