[ingo] Configuration loading order

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Jan 26 07:45:16 UTC 2016

Zitat von Ob Noxious <obnox3 at gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> Upon installing Ingo, I've came accross a problem. Given the fact that
> Horde (and apps) can load server-specific configuration, namely $_SERVER[
> 'SERVER_NAME' ] dependent configuration filenames, I tried to use them but
> it didn't work.
> /path/to/Horde/ingo/config/backends-hostname.domain.tld.php
> Where $backends['sieve']['disabled'] = false;
> After fiddling for a moment I found why! I had to rename "backends.php" to
> another name because apparently, it gets loaded AFTER the
> backends-hostname.domain.tld.php file AFAICS. Since "backends.php" defines
> "$backends['sieve']['disabled'] = true;", Horde/Ingo always reported "No
> configuration for this application" after login :-(
> Until I renamed "backends.php", there was no way for Ingo to use the
> "sieve" configuration inside the "backends-hostname.domain.tld.php" file.
> "backends.local.php" was not affected and worked correctly as expected.
> I did not test the "backends.d/*" case though.

Doesn't sound right, and you should be able to verify this by setting  
the logging level to DEBUG.

You may have forgotten to *dis*able the IMAP backend instead.

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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