[ingo] Vacation
David Wells - Alfavinil S.A.
dwells at alfavinil.com
Fri May 10 21:11:04 UTC 2019
Thank you very much! That is what I was missing to get the function in
the menu and it created a somewhat comple .procmailrc. However, could I
set it to just get a .forward file calling /usr/bin/vacation in the form
> \mailuser, "|/usr/bin/vacation mailuser"
where mailuser is the user part of the email address and have the
vacation.db and vacation.msg populated.
Thank you very much again!
Best regards,
David Wells.
El 10/05/2019 a las 17:36, Arjen de Korte escribió:
> Citeren "David Wells - Alfavinil S.A." <dwells at alfavinil.com>:
>> Good afternoon.
>> I recently installed horde groupware 5.2.22 which includes Ingo 3.2.16
>> in /var/www/horde and I'm trying to get the vacation message function
>> working. I modified the file
>> /var/www/horde/ingo/config/backends.local.php to look like this
>>> $backends['procmail']['disabled'] = false;
> Good, you enabled the procmail driver.
>>> $backends['procmail']['transport']['driver'] = 'vfs';
>>> $backends['procmail']['transport']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
>>> $backends['procmail']['transport']['params']['filename'] =
>>> '.procmailrc';
>>> $backends['procmail']['transport']['params']['vfstype'] = 'ftp';
>>> $backends['procmail']['transport']['params']['port'] = 21;
> These lines are not needed. The values you're setting here are the
> defaults already.
>>> $backends['procmail']['script']['params']['path_style'] = 'maildir';
>>> $backends['procmail']['script']['params']['variables']['DEFAULT'] =
>>> '$HOME/Maildir/';
> You're tantalizing close, but the line
> $backends['imap']['disabled'] = true;
> which is needed to disable the imap backend (enabled by default) is
> missing. Usually this is on the second line (right after the line with
> <?php on it) to keep the order the same as in the backends.php file.
>> I can tell this file is being read because when I go to permissions I
>> can see the procmail backend there, however I only get the whitelist and
>> blacklist in the filters menu. How can I get more information about what
>> is going on and what else do I need to configure for this to work.
>> Thank you very much in advance.
>> Best regards,
>> David Wells.
*David Wells* - Sistemas
dwells at alfavinil.com <mailto:dwells at alfavinil.com>
www.alfavinil.com <http://www.alfavinil.com>
Tel: +54 11 4847-7067
Fax: +54 11 4738-8748
Atención a clientes: +54 11 4847-7007
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