[jeta] No errors - Not working

Charles E. Robinson III crobins at proexam.org
Wed Mar 19 16:34:46 PST 2003

These 3 class files are not located in the package:
/horde/jeta/de/mud/jta/AppletBeanInfo.class HTTP/1.1" 404
/horde/jeta/de/mud/jta/Applet$COMClassObject.class HTTP/1.1" 404
/horde/jeta/netscape/security/PrivilegeManager.class HTTP/1.1" 404

Where can I obtain these files?
I created an empty file called
& the error for that file went away.

But the
/horde/jeta/de/mud/jta/AppletBeanInfo.class HTTP/1.1" 404
/horde/jeta/de/mud/jta/Applet$COMClassObject.class HTTP/1.1" 404
still exists.

I can't make a connection to my ssh server (SSH Secure Shell 2.4)
The applet starts SSH 2.0-2.4 SSH Secure Shell (non-commercial version),
user&pass popup then after click connect app window closes.

There are no errors in Horde Logs/Webserver Logs other than the above & no
bad attempts made in Ssh Logs.

PHP Version
View phpinfo() screen
View loaded extensions
PHP Version: 4.2.3
PHP Major Version: 4.2
PHP Minor Version: 3
PHP Version Classification: release
You are running a supported version of PHP.

PHP Module Capabilities
Ctype Support: Yes
DOM XML Support: Yes
FTP Support: Yes
Gettext Support: Yes
Iconv Support: No
IMAP Support: Yes
LDAP Support: No
Mbstring Support: No
MCAL Support: No
Mcrypt Support: Yes
MIME Magic Support: N/A
MySQL Support: Yes
OpenSSL Support: No
PostgreSQL Support: No
XML Support: Yes

It seems i've lost some php mod's when upgrading my php (I didn't check
before now :( my apologies, it was here before I upgraded)

Would the loss of openssl mod cause my connection trouble? Even so shouldn't
an error appear somewhere?
Does jeta depent on any of these missing mods:
Iconv Mbstring MCAL MIME Magic Support OpenSSL

My SSH server is v1 compat, if that still matters.

Thanks for the help in advance..

Charles Robinson

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