[jonah] locale translations for jonah?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Thu, 2 Nov 2000 14:12:56 -0500

Quoting Eric Jon Rostetter <eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu>:

> What ideas do you have that you don't have time for?
> I'm not an idea man -- I'm an implementation man.  Give me a problem,
> I can usually solve it.  Ask me to come up with ideas, you'll be disappointed.

Okay... well, I want Jonah to have a pluggable content system. Basically, if
you have a class that can fetch and display a type of content, all you
should have to do is add a config entry and you can add it into your portal.
I've got most of a class that can fetch stock quotes; I'd like to see that
added in. We already have the library for RSS.

It'd be great if you could add channels, configure channels, etc without
having to edit files - ie, do it directly from the web. Maybe with a dbm
file for a backend, or maybe editing the text file directly.

The frontend UI needs to be a lot more flexible. Users should be able to
display channels, minimize/maximize, etc - portal.php.net (the code is
available out of cvs) might be a starting point, and it's basically a
my.netscape/my.yahoo type thing.

That'll need user prefs, which should use the current Horde prefs framework.
And users, and the admin stuff needs authentication too, and for that we
should tie in the Horde Auth:: and Perms:: frameworks that I've been working

I'm going to cc: this to the Jonah list; is this a good list of stuff? I
really would love to see this going, and I'm happy to do a bunch of the work
myself, but if you're into working on this, I'd love that too. =)


"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." - Semisonic