[jonah] Help w/Install
Harry Hoffman
Wed, 12 Dec 2001 17:49:02 -0500
Hey Chuck,
All is setup now. It took a bit to figure out what the auth was but I was
able to update just fine. If you want I can update the install, as it's not
really difficult to install. Any chance of having the admin be tied in with
Horde's admin?
Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:
Quoting Harry Hoffman <hhoffman@ip-solutions.net>:
> I'm not sure how active the list is, I just joined.
Not very, usually, but there are a few of us around, at least.
> But I d/l Jonah from
> CVS a few minutes ago and need help setting it up. The install doc seems
> differ greatly from the layout of files.
Ooh. That is a bit hairy. Updating it is now on my todo list.
> I can get to the main channels.php page fine, although the response back
> Jonah is that there are no headlines. I added an admin pass to the
> file and everytime I enter the password at the htpasswd dialog box I get
> access denied. Any ideas??
Do you have ip auth on as well? Except for passswords, of course, what does
your Jonah config look like?
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"What was and what may be, lie, like children whose faces we cannot see, in
arms of silence. All we ever have is here, now." - Ursula K. Le Guin
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