[jonah] Jonah (today's cvs head) I no longer see headlines.

eculp at encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Tue Jan 21 09:08:22 PST 2003

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

 | You'll need to re-save the "view" for each of your subscribed channels,
 | since we're now more flexible about allowing different/configurable views
 | and the storage had to change.

That did it, Chuck.  Thanks.  Now I just have to look at the changes to 
prefs to preconfigure a couple of feeds for new users.

 | Less than 20 words in the full text? Access it with *what* URL?

the url is http://mail.morando.org/horde/jonah/newsfeed.php?channel=1

 | Sounds okay there... My custom (Jonah authored) channel is working fine...

Want to share your URL for testing?  Maybe it will help me figure out what 
I'm doing wrong.




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