[jonah] Re: Re: Jonah and Browsers

Greg Jacobs greg.jacobs at tethco.com
Wed Jul 9 13:09:01 PDT 2003

> I've got the lastest horde setup with Jonah working. But here is the catch.
> If we're using Internet Explorer 6.0 (latest) things like Calendary Summary,
> Comics, Quick Adddress lookup etc all work great.
> ANY other browser, Mozilla 1.40, Safari 1.0, you name it, IE 5.5+ etc ALL
> choke,
> and just show a white page unless the user only choses certain modules
> displayed in their MY Summary page (Notes, Meetings, Weather, Stocks, and
> Headlines) anything else causes a white page to appear. I've traced this back
> to the browser being used, IE6 is the only one working with all modules?
> What the heck is wrong? Anyone else having this?
> --

Further testing shows it workes fine with Safari 1.0, IE 6.0. I can't get it to
work with Firebird 0.6, Mozilla 1.4 or IE 5.5 or earlier IE browsers. Very

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