[jonah] Jonah - Weather ; *Ideas*

`Da Elf elf at greydusk.net
Fri Oct 17 13:23:46 PDT 2003

So, I've spent a little time looking this over ... it all started with Michael's
post about Weather being available on Horde, and he pointed me to the Jonah
module, which I've been having fun with ... `cept the weather part.  :)

So, I've been back through the archives for about a year (yeah, yeah, lotta'
free time) and it's just come to a head since InterceptVector went *poof*. 
This post is what I wanna' talk about really fast though :


I was thinking about it last night and this got to me ...

"Biggest part here will probably be collecting zip codes for places.
We can start with just a few.  I can contribute a few I know..."

So, being a lazy SysAdmin I decided to go looking for "Databases" with just this
info.  Yeargh!  Messy at best unless someone would like to 'liberate' one and
whittle it down to say ... Just {City|State|Zip}.  Anyway, LAZY kicked in (I'm
a good SysAdmin) and I thought : "Eric's right, that's gonna' be a pain."
Exactly while I'm kludging some ejse stuff for just MY zipcode ... (Hey guys
... it works for ME, you -users- can bugger off) when it hit me, just ask for
the zipcode and one of the four Weather options.  One text box and a drop-list.
 Yea!  L-A-Z-Y.

Granted, this does nothing for users outside of the US ... but I've hit my good
idea limit for the week.  :)

Any thoughts?

__________________________________________________ EK - `Da Elf __________
Nine megs for the secretaries fair, Seven megs for the Hackers Scarce,
Five megs for the grads in smokey lairs, Three megs for system source;
One disk to rule them all, One disk to bind them,
One disk to hold the files, And in the darkness grind 'em.

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