[jonah] (no subject)

Ben Chavet ben at chavet.net
Sat May 1 12:18:40 PDT 2004

The reason for this error, is that when  you run the script to insert 
all of the
channels, it does not increment the index.  The only way I've found to 
fix this
is to keep hitting 'add' until the index has incremented enough to allow new
channels.  It's a pain & I think it has to go to 122 or something like that,
but that's what's happenning.



Quoting Thomas O'Brien <thomas at creativebusinessystems.com>:

> Hello,
> I discovered a problem when adding a channel to Jonah. I'm not very 
> well versed
> in PHP or SQL but from what I can tell from the information in the 
> horde log it
> appears that whatever script is used to add channels assumes the 
> channel_id to
> be 1. If that channel_id already exists (which it does if you use the sql
> script to add the default channels) you get "DB Error: already exists".
>> From my horde.log
> May 01 10:59:00 HORDE [error] [jonah] DB Error: already exists: INSERT INTO
> jonah_channels (channel_id, channel_name, channel_type, channel_desc,
> channel_interval, channel_url, channel_link, channel_img) VALUES (1, 'Drudge
> Report', '1', NULL, 86400, 
> 'http://www.drudgereportarchives.com/rss/recap.xml',
> '', '') [nativecode=1062 ** Duplicate entry '1' for key 1] [on line 114 of
> "C:\Inetpub\sharedroot\horde\jonah\lib\News\sql.php"]
> If you click the submit button again the channel_id increments and 
> you get the
> same error:
> May 01 11:00:09 HORDE [error] [jonah] DB Error: already exists: INSERT INTO
> jonah_channels (channel_id, channel_name, channel_type, channel_desc,
> channel_interval, channel_url, channel_link, channel_img) VALUES (2, 'The
> Drudge Report', '1', NULL, 86400,
> 'http://www.drudgereportarchives.com/rss/recap.xml', '', '') [nativecode=1062
> ** Duplicate entry '2' for key 1] [on line 114 of
> "C:\Inetpub\sharedroot\horde\jonah\lib\News\sql.php"]
> I haven't tried to manually add a channel tho.
> Thomas
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