[jonah] jonah.sql & script.feeds.sql

Steve Daniels horde at stedaniels.co.uk
Wed Oct 27 01:38:40 PDT 2004

Skip Morrow wrote:
  I see that in the jonah folder, there
> is a scripts/sql folder with jonah.sql and script.feeds.sql.  Am I
> supposed to run those like I did when installing horde? 

I yes, within these sql files, (you did open them and have a read didn't 
you?) In it it contains LOTS of links to news feeds xml rss etc. Add 
your own and modify this file to contain only the ones you want, then 
run it. Or just run it and have a play.

> There's no
> mention of these files in any of the documentation.

Yes.. a minor problem, once you get to grips with it, maybe you'd want 
to write some better docs for it?



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