[jonah] jonah.sql & script.feeds.sql

Skip Morrow skip-lists at pelorus.org
Wed Oct 27 04:35:10 PDT 2004

That did it.  Thanks.

Now, how do I subscribe to new channels?  When I click on the "My
Content" button, I have "no news subscriptions".  When I click on the
"News Admin" button, there's a nice long list of channels, and I can
click on them and read the news.  Is that the way it's supposed to work?
I thought I was supposed to be able to make my own news page?  Should I
just delete the ones I don't want on that page?  There's 4 icons to the
left of each channel: "Edit", "Refresh", "Delivery lists", and
"Delete" (and while I'm here, the "Delete" function generates an error

Notice: Undefined variable: conf in /www/html/horde/jonah/lib/News.php
on line 53

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at /www/html/horde/jonah/lib/News.php:53)
in /www/html/horde/jonah/channels/delete.php on line 76

So, any tips for the new guy?


On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 09:38 +0100, Steve Daniels wrote:
> Skip Morrow wrote:
>   I see that in the jonah folder, there
> > is a scripts/sql folder with jonah.sql and script.feeds.sql.  Am I
> > supposed to run those like I did when installing horde? 
> I yes, within these sql files, (you did open them and have a read didn't 
> you?) In it it contains LOTS of links to news feeds xml rss etc. Add 
> your own and modify this file to contain only the ones you want, then 
> run it. Or just run it and have a play.
> > There's no
> > mention of these files in any of the documentation.
> > 
> Yes.. a minor problem, once you get to grips with it, maybe you'd want 
> to write some better docs for it?
> Steve

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