[jonah] Custom RSS Feed

Brandon Knitter knitterb at blandsite.org
Sat Jan 15 20:48:54 PST 2005

Okay, attached is the same viewrss.php converted to using the Jonah 
parser.  You
can just drop the attached file into <horde>/jonah/lib/Block/custom.php 
and you
should see it working.

One thing that I would /really/ prefer to do is use Jonah's
News->renderChannel(...) function as it does all the pretty layout.  But since
this requires a channel_id, it doesn't work for my example.

Do you think it would make sense to change the way a set of stories is redered
in renderChannel so that either a url or a channel_id (or a channel object
itself, for that matter) could be passed instead?  I'm thinking this would be
more portable in the future.  In the case of a channel object, perhaps in the
"custom RSS feed" way, a channel object could be made on the fly.  That would
be a decent/cheap way to get abstraction.

That said, since this is my first endeavor into Jonah, I may not fully
understand the intended direction of things.  Also, I'm an ops geek, not a
software engineer extraordinaire, so be kind! :)

Feedback appreciated!



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