[klutz]Klutz installation and usage

Marcus I. Ryan marcus at riboflavin.net
Sat Jan 25 12:21:19 PST 2003

There is currently no documentation other than the code (I should
probably look into this)...actually, there is some in the working
document in the hordedoc module: hordedoc/hordeadmin/work/MyISP.

The main problem is you are running Klutz either with a non-HEAD version
of Horde, or you need to do a CVS update -Pd to get the latest Horde code.

Quoting Christopher Jackson <cjackson at cj-enterprises.net>:

> Hi.  Is there any documentation on Klutz that outline proper
> installation
> and configuration?
> >From reading through the source scripts that I checked out from CVS
> a few
> hours ago, it seems pretty straight forward but I'm still having
> problems.
> Most notably the setup of a local comic store versus a fetch from a
> comic
> site like www.dilbert.com.
> In addition, I get the following when I try to use Klutz when dropped
> into
> a properly configured Horde installation (I'm using 5 other modules
> with
> no issues, so I don't think is a problem with Horde):
> Fatal error: Undefined class name 'string' in
> /home/WebPortal/horde/klutz/lib/Klutz.php on line 108
> I also get this error when trying to load backend.php so it's some
> common
> piece that is missing and I can't seem to find it.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> --
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Marcus I. Ryan, marcus at riboflavin.net
 "Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it
 flips over, pinning you underneath.  At night, the ice weasels come."
                 -- Matt Groening

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