[klutz] Backend script no longer working

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jan 28 06:30:15 PST 2004

Zitat von Rick Emery <rick at emery.homelinux.net>:

> Quoting "Marcus I. Ryan" <marcus at horde.org>:
>> It would help if you post the URL...I could probably tell you.  Just 
>> make sure
>> to "clean" it first...
>> --
>> Marcus I. Ryan, marcus at horde.org
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> "Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it
>> flips over, pinning you underneath.  At night, the ice weasels come."
>>                 -- Matt Groening
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Forgive my ignorance; I'm not sure what you mean by "clean" it. But here's a
> sample line from my apache access log:
> - remery [27/Jan/2004:12:00:11 -0500] "GET
> /horde/klutz/backend.php?mode%5B%5D=fetch&mode%5B%5D=delete HTTP/1.0" 200 9
> See that 9 at the very end of the line? Every time the script ran before
> January 24, there was a unique 3 or 4 digit number there. Since 01/24, it's
> always 9. I don't know what that number means. Other than that, this line is
> identical to every other line in the log from running the script since long
> before it stopped working.

The last number is the page size, 9 byte in this case. And I *bet* these
nine characters are "forbidden". :-)


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