[kronolith] Shared calendars

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Fri, 20 Apr 2001 13:22:34 -0400

Quoting John Soward <soward@soward.net>:

> Now that I've a working mcal and hence kronolith to play with, 
> I'm wondering if there are any plans by the current developer(s)
> or if anyone else has done any work toward adding shared calendars?

Only that I definitely want to allow them. If you're up for taking the lead on 
getting them working, that'd be great.

> Since we're pretty much bypassing the libmcal/mstore password
> protection scheme, something would have to managed inside 
> Horde/Kronolith to keep track of who could access what calendar.


> Some way to select someone's calendar to view or modify, and 
> options added to the Add/Modify event areas to (optionally) 
> propogate changes to other calendars in a 'group'.

Yup. I haven't done a whole lot of thinking on the UI part yet.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>

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