[kronolith] alarm specifications

Jan Schneider janmailing@gmx.de
Sat, 8 Sep 2001 19:55:28 +0200

Zitat von Terry Davis <tdavis@birddog.com>:

> > what time span would you like to see in the alarm settings?
> Well, I don't know exactly.  If I'm absent minded, which I really can be, or
> if 
> I do not login to horde daily, then 24 hours may not be enough time.  Let's
> say 
> I have an out of town event.  24 hours enough?  I wonder if it would be 

24 hours is currently possible so this won't be a change.

> possible to leave it configurable to the user.  input a number then specify
> the 
> time value, be it minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.....I have no
> clue 
> how the backend of this works so this may not be possible but that 
> configuration gives the most flexibility.  IMHO.

This would probably be the most flexible solution though everything longer than 
years make no sense to me. But to choose from minutes, hours, days and weeks 
and to give the user an input fields sounds good to me.
