[Kronolith] greek languge support help

Silligardos Xristoforos xsilliga@teiath.gr
Thu, 6 Sep 2001 17:52:38 +0300

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dear jan
   We would be happy to sent you the translation we have done, and some =
other thinks that we worked on, when ofcource we have everything =
working. And to do that we must first solve a problem we have.=20
   As we said and in our first message we want to know which languge the =
user has chosen during his login to the system, we belive that this is =
held in some kind of a variable, we would like you to tell as how are we =
going to do that king of check.=20
   in example:=20
   if the user selected greek as his language we would like to use a =
function to translate the date from english to greek.=20
   We don't know the check part, how would we know that the user has =
chosen greek as his language and not, lets say italian.

Silligardos Xristoforos
Dimitriou Stefanos

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>From janmailing@gmx.de Date: Thu,  6 Sep 2001 16:45:14 +0200
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Date: Thu,  6 Sep 2001 16:45:14 +0200
From: Jan Schneider <janmailing@gmx.de>
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Subject: Re: [kronolith] open fct in mcal.php

kronolith uses just one mcal user, you don't have to add a user to mpasswd for 
each user the uses kronolith.
The different calendars for the different users are managed internally.


Zitat von Yohann Fourteau <yohann.fourteau@wanadoo.fr>:

> If a user isn't in /etc/mpasswd, kronolith doesn't work for that user :
> <b>Warning</b>:  Couldn't open stream {/mstore}<tofour>  (the browser
> doesn't display <tofour> :)
> And if I add the user (htpasswd /etc/mpasswd tofour), kronolith works
> but only in a read-only way. 
> In fact $this->mcalUsername, $this->mcalPassword is used to open the
> stream (in mcal.php) and of course, that user $this->mcalUsername can't
> write in tofour's calendar...
> So It would be good to change the open function...
> I've try :
>     function open($calendar)
>     {
>         //$this->stream = mcal_popen("{/mstore}<$calendar>",
> $this->mcalUsername, $this->mcalPassword);
>         $this->stream = mcal_popen("{/mstore}<>$calendar",
> $this->mcalUsername, $this->mcalPassword);
>     }
> then I've the same calendar for everybody (in fact "{/mstore}<>tofour" 
> works like "{/mstore}<>", and I don't know why...the documentaion about
> mcal is not very clear...).
> If the stream was opened with the login and the passwd of the current
> login (and not always the same), it will work but the /etc/mpasswd must
> be populated with all the users...
> So what is the good solution ?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Yohann F.
> -- 
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