[kronolith] Fail to authenticate IMAP session.

Christopher Crowley ccrowley@tulane.edu
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 16:36:04 -0600

> Why do you symlink imp, kronlith and turba?

For my convenience when I access that directory, from the full path, I
wouldn't have to type horde twice. I have removed the symlinks to ensure
they don't interfere with our testing. I had tried that previously. The
document root of apache is /pathto/htdocs/horde

> That's a different problem. If I remember right Chris had the problem of
> being redirected to the login screen if he tries to access Kronolith.

That's correct Jan. I am redirected to the horde login screen, which
redirects me back to the page I requested in Kronolith.

> What are cookie_path and cookie_domain in horde/config/registry.php?
> -chuck

    'cookie_domain' => $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS']['SERVER_NAME'],
    'cookie_path' => '/horde'

Huh. I dunno. I haven't had much time to spend on trouble shooting this
