[kronolith] month view and no cookies
Jan Schneider
Fri, 7 Dec 2001 10:00:54 +0100
Zitat von mays@optonline.net:
> In the CVS head version of kronolith, the next and previous buttons do
> not work
> properly in the month view without cookies.
> A query representing the desired month is appended to the result of
> Horde::selfURL(). The problem is that without cookies, selfURL() appends
> the
> session variable to the url returned. The query that is appended assumes
> that
> it is first. The consequence is that two '?'s are present in the final
> result
> used by Horde::link(). This causes the session variable to not be found,
> and
> the user is presented with a new login screen.
> The behavior is correct with the daily and weekly views.
> Appended is a patch to get around this. The patch also uses the
> available
> $prevstamp and $nextstamp.
> Mark
> --- kronolith/templates/month/head.inc.orig Fri Aug 31 16:25:51 2001
> +++ kronolith/templates/month/head.inc Thu Dec 6 17:41:40 2001
> @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
> <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
> <tr><th class="header">
> -<?= Horde::link(Horde::selfURL() . '?month=' . date('n', $prevstamp) .
> '&year=' . date('Y', $prevstamp), _("Last month"), 'menu') .
> Horde::img('prev.gif', 'border="0" alt="<"') ?></a>
> +<?= Horde::link(Horde::url($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] . '?timestamp='
> . $prevstamp), _("Last month"), 'menu') . Horde::img('prev.gif',
> 'border="0" alt="<"') ?></a>
> <?= $title ?>
> -<?= Horde::link(Horde::selfURL() . '?month=' . date('n', $nextstamp) .
> '&year=' . date('Y', $nextstamp), _("Next Month"), 'menu') .
> Horde::img('next.gif', 'border="0" alt=">"') ?></a>
> +<?= Horde::link(Horde::url($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] . '?timestamp='
> . $nextstamp), _("Next Month"), 'menu') . Horde::img('next.gif',
> 'border="0" alt=">"') ?></a>
> </th></tr>
> <tr><td class="control"><table border="0" cellpadding="2"
> cellspacing="1" width="100%">
Fixed in cvs, thanks.
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