[kronolith] month view and no cookies
Thu, 6 Dec 2001 17:58:26 -0500
In the CVS head version of kronolith, the next and previous buttons do not work
properly in the month view without cookies.
A query representing the desired month is appended to the result of
Horde::selfURL(). The problem is that without cookies, selfURL() appends the
session variable to the url returned. The query that is appended assumes that
it is first. The consequence is that two '?'s are present in the final result
used by Horde::link(). This causes the session variable to not be found, and
the user is presented with a new login screen.
The behavior is correct with the daily and weekly views.
Appended is a patch to get around this. The patch also uses the available
$prevstamp and $nextstamp.
--- kronolith/templates/month/head.inc.orig Fri Aug 31 16:25:51 2001
+++ kronolith/templates/month/head.inc Thu Dec 6 17:41:40 2001
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<tr><th class="header">
-<?= Horde::link(Horde::selfURL() . '?month=' . date('n', $prevstamp) . '&year=' . date('Y', $prevstamp), _("Last month"), 'menu') . Horde::img('prev.gif', 'border="0" alt="<"') ?></a>
+<?= Horde::link(Horde::url($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] . '?timestamp=' . $prevstamp), _("Last month"), 'menu') . Horde::img('prev.gif', 'border="0" alt="<"') ?></a>
<?= $title ?>
-<?= Horde::link(Horde::selfURL() . '?month=' . date('n', $nextstamp) . '&year=' . date('Y', $nextstamp), _("Next Month"), 'menu') . Horde::img('next.gif', 'border="0" alt=">"') ?></a>
+<?= Horde::link(Horde::url($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] . '?timestamp=' . $nextstamp), _("Next Month"), 'menu') . Horde::img('next.gif', 'border="0" alt=">"') ?></a>
<tr><td class="control"><table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
>From jan@horde.org Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 10:00:54 +0100
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Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 10:00:54 +0100
From: Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>
To: kronolith@lists.horde.org
References: <200112062258.fB6MwQj02565@optonline.net>
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Subject: Re: [kronolith] month view and no cookies
Zitat von mays@optonline.net:
> In the CVS head version of kronolith, the next and previous buttons do
> not work
> properly in the month view without cookies.
> A query representing the desired month is appended to the result of
> Horde::selfURL(). The problem is that without cookies, selfURL() appends
> the
> session variable to the url returned. The query that is appended assumes
> that
> it is first. The consequence is that two '?'s are present in the final
> result
> used by Horde::link(). This causes the session variable to not be found,
> and
> the user is presented with a new login screen.
> The behavior is correct with the daily and weekly views.
> Appended is a patch to get around this. The patch also uses the
> available
> $prevstamp and $nextstamp.
> Mark
> --- kronolith/templates/month/head.inc.orig Fri Aug 31 16:25:51 2001
> +++ kronolith/templates/month/head.inc Thu Dec 6 17:41:40 2001
> @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
> <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
> <tr><th class="header">
> -<?= Horde::link(Horde::selfURL() . '?month=' . date('n', $prevstamp) .
> '&year=' . date('Y', $prevstamp), _("Last month"), 'menu') .
> Horde::img('prev.gif', 'border="0" alt="<"') ?></a>
> +<?= Horde::link(Horde::url($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] . '?timestamp='
> . $prevstamp), _("Last month"), 'menu') . Horde::img('prev.gif',
> 'border="0" alt="<"') ?></a>
> <?= $title ?>
> -<?= Horde::link(Horde::selfURL() . '?month=' . date('n', $nextstamp) .
> '&year=' . date('Y', $nextstamp), _("Next Month"), 'menu') .
> Horde::img('next.gif', 'border="0" alt=">"') ?></a>
> +<?= Horde::link(Horde::url($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF'] . '?timestamp='
> . $nextstamp), _("Next Month"), 'menu') . Horde::img('next.gif',
> 'border="0" alt=">"') ?></a>
> </th></tr>
> <tr><td class="control"><table border="0" cellpadding="2"
> cellspacing="1" width="100%">
Fixed in cvs, thanks.
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