[kronolith] Holidays
Chuck Hagenbuch
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 13:31:14 -0400
Quoting Brandon Knitter <knitterb@blandsite.org>:
> I could not find an occurrence type for a yearly event on Thursday for
> the 3rd full week of November...I think that's the Thanksgiving calc.
Monthly, every 12 months. :)
> And example of what I'm talking about is Yahoo calendar. I don't use it
> a whole lot, but I told it I wanted to add all Holidays, I picked a
> continent and a Country. Perhaps a choice of religions would be neat
> too. In any case, Yahoo lets you add and remove them. I think simply
> tying these to a keyword would be sufficient in a first pass at it.
Getting this list seems to be the issue. People have mentioned Yahoo
calendar (can you export from that?) and gcal; I think maybe the goal
should be a system where we can maintain holidays on horde.org, and export
files from that system. That way people can submit new holiday, someone
will have (hopefully, by soliciting input from users, minimal) work to do
in maintaining the master list/categories, and we can ship files with
Kronolith that can be used by users...
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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