[kronolith] Holidays

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 13:32:54 -0400

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org>:

> I don't think, it's a good idea to calculate the holidays on every page
> call. That's probably the reason why Outlook solves the holiday problem
> how it does: You just import a list of holidays for the next few years. 

I agree this is probably the way to go, especially since it accounts for 
things that move around slightly unpredictably.

> I guess we can provide such lists for Kronolith too and implement them 
> either by special keywords ("kronolith.holidays.germany", 
> "kronolith.holidays.christian") or by the soon coming shared calendars 
> [Chuck? :-)]. This way the user can easily add and remove sets of
> holidays.

Using the 'holiday' category and letting individual users import them 
sounds like the way to go to me; I guess we can see how shared calendars 
would perform too.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"A dream which helps you to live your reality with dignity
 and justice is a good dream." - Tariq Ramadan