[kronolith] Holidays

Brandon Knitter knitterb@blandsite.org
Mon, 15 Apr 2002 21:37:29 -0700

> > So, how can I help?  Are the calls some sort of XML RPC or something? 
> > That's a fairly decent and concise way to do things!  I may be able to 
> > set up a test service site if desired.
> There would have to be a registry method both for the server 
> implementation and the client, and a way of adding the holidays to one's 
> calendar.
> Ah, the simple answer is: yes, XML-RPC.

Cool, that would absolutely open the solution to other people too.  The larger
the install base, the better.  You want, I can start working on the API!  A
buddy of mine loves data, and also love XML-RPC, so even if the code isn't php,
at least it will be available.  Chances are he'll make it mirror-able, we both
are in operations, so we like uptime! :)
