[kronolith] I can't configure a recurring event in Kronolith head.

Brandon Knitter knitterb@blandsite.org
Fri, 7 Jun 2002 13:58:04 -0700

Recur until 12:00am?  Typically thats a date!  Is that set to no end date, or
the same day as the event?


Quoting Edwin Culp <eculp@encontacto.net>:

> After setting up an event that recurs every wednesday, it doesn't show on
> the calendar and the screen after configuring the event shows that it will
> recur until 12am.
> Pattern     Weekly: Recurs every 1 week(s) on: Wednesday  
> Recur Until     12:00 am
> I don't know what happened here or when or if I've done something wrong.  
> It's been a while since I configured a event that will recur.
> Thanks,
> ed
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