[kronolith] I can't configure a recurring event in Kronolith head.

Edwin Culp eculp@encontacto.net
Fri, 7 Jun 2002 14:45:33 -0700

Quoting Brandon Knitter <knitterb@blandsite.org>:

| Recur until 12:00am?  Typically thats a date!  Is that set to no end date, or
| the same day as the event?

Brandon, thanks for the jog.  It seems that since this event is a weekly
event I didn't set a specific date but I selected "no end date".  When I got
your email I went back in a looked at it and it was no longer set to "no
end date" but to "2001 Dec 31"  Which is what was causing the problem but
I didn't see it.  If I change the end date from 2001 to 2002 and select it,
it works as expected.  

My questions now are, "Should "no end date" change to the selected date 
and should the default year be 2001?"

Thanks again,


| -- 
| -bk
| Quoting Edwin Culp <eculp@encontacto.net>:
| > After setting up an event that recurs every wednesday, it doesn't show on
| > the calendar and the screen after configuring the event shows that it will
| > recur until 12am.
| > 
| > Pattern     Weekly: Recurs every 1 week(s) on: Wednesday  
| > Recur Until     12:00 am
| > 
| > I don't know what happened here or when or if I've done something wrong.  
| > It's been a while since I configured a event that will recur.
| > 
| > Thanks,
| > 
| > ed
| > -- 
| > 
| > 
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