[kronolith] Kronolith - problems saving events

Igor Stroh stroh@scan-plus.de
12 Jun 2002 17:36:34 +0200

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Hi all,

I searched the archives and didn't find the solution to my problem,
though this question appeared on the list already ([kronolith] Creating
events by Quoting Bob Fitton <bob@fitton.org>) so I'm not the only one

Everything works correctly. Software installed: Horde(2.1), Imp (3.1),
Turba (1.1) and Kronolith (1.0). Backend for Kronolith is SQL
(postgres), I used the kronolith.sql script to setup the
kronolith_events table. After adding an event for a day it doesn't
appear neither in the day's view nor in the week's view but it does in
the month's view - in the last day of the month dated to 00:00. If I
display the details of this event I get _always_ a value for starting
date that looks like this:=20
<day of week I actually entered> + 1, 30 November, 2012 0:00
no matter which date I choose, I always get this value.
I checked the entries in kronolith_events and they seem to be stored
correctly, at least the start and the end timestamp...

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,
Igor =20
ScanPlus GmbH NOC Ulm - Germany - Griesbadgasse 7-13 - D 89073 Ulm
TEL +49 731 920 13 100 - FAX +49 731 920 13 290
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Amtsgericht Ulm - HRB3220 - Geschaeftsfuehrer: Juergen Hoermann

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