[kronolith] Kronolith - problems saving events

Igor Stroh stroh@scan-plus.de
13 Jun 2002 19:32:14 +0200

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On Mit, 2002-06-12 at 17:36, Igor Stroh wrote:

[strange events-view behavior]

I tried to locate the error and I'm pretty sure I found it.
The problem was my PostgreSQL, it converted the inserted event_start and
event_end timestamp to the date presentation defined in current locales.

horde=3D# UPDATE kronolith_events set event_start =3D '2002-06-13 08:00:00'
where event_id=3D1;
horde=3D# SELECT event_start FROM kronolith_events WHERE event_id =3D 1;
         event_start        =20
 13.06.2002 08:00:00.00 CEST

and since Kronolith_Event->fromDriver() expects an ISO-formated date
representation the whole thing just fails...

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