[kronolith] Unable to find stream pointer ?

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 12:44:14 +0200

Zitat von Bill Edgington <horde@0x20.com>:

> I've just switched from the sql to the mcal driver and can't get it to
> work. I have created /etc/mpasswd, set up conf.php, created /var/calendar
> with 1777 owned by the web server, and PHP has mcal support compiled in.
> When I try to add events, I get these errors:
> Warning: Unable to find stream pointer in
> /var/www/htdocs/horde/kronolith/lib/Driver/mcal.php on line 108

> Funny, I saw this same question posed to the libmcal-users list by Chuck
> Hagenbuch (in 2000) but there was no answer. Any ideas?

He has since then fixed the mcal library. You have to make sure that you get
libmcal from cvs, the provided tarball is not recent enough.

(Or did you at last get access by the sf.net folks, Chuck?)


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