[kronolith] recur no end date

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 22:57:39 -0400

Quoting Nate Mollring <nmollring@cennecs.org>:

> I'm running an e-smith 5.1.2 box with php 4.1.2, imp 3.1, kronolith, and
> nag. In kronolith when I create a new or edit an event, recur until --no 
> end date won't work.  When I use 'no end date' the database (via 
> phpmyadmin) shows a date in 1969--then the event won't recur correctly.  
> I've installed the latest Event.php and I still have the same problem.  Oh, 
> and the database I'm using is MySql.  Would switching to Mcal help?  
> Switching to mcal doesn't look like an easy project, but if that's what 
> needs to be done... 

I _think_ this is a bug that's been fixed in CVS.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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