[kronolith] Shared Calendar Thoughts

Steve Wolfe swolfe@infoave.net
Wed, 07 Aug 2002 23:47:10 -0500

I guess I am not stepping forward to code all this.

A wish that was touched upon a few posts ago is the following senerio that I
think Outlook now solves.

Say in corporate land you MUST schedule a meeting between:
boss, bigwig1, bigwig2, peon1, peon1, and [ rooma or roomb or roomc]  .. all
users in the system that have scheduled info .. events or calendars aside.
Another useful feature is required/non-required attendence.  Say, boss, and
bigwig1 and bigwig2 are required.

This is such a pain to do manually, as I have had to do in the past.

You would like the system to find earliest 2 hour slot that all of the above
can meet during 'normal biz hours -- say 8 to 4pm ' with overrides perhaps
bigwig1 WANTS his meeting at 7am. -- Hopefully the system can compute this
time and then send an email for all to confirm.  If all required attendees
answer ..  the meeting is scheduled.   While they are deciding a lock is
placed on that time for all.


>>I'm glad that you're stepping forward to code all this!