[kronolith] parse remote calenders

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sun, 25 Aug 2002 12:54:30 -0400

Quoting Cliff Green <green@UMDNJ.EDU>:

> So, is their .ics file formatted "wrong", or does the icalendar driver
> not expect more than one event per file?  I tried removing the 
> END:VCALENDAR ... BEGIN:VCALENDAR lines between events, and seem to have 
> royally screwed my calendar <g> [I suppose I should be thankful, though -
> it's filled my calendar with "*Thanksgiving (American)"].

That should be valid, and I know the icalendar driver works at least in 
some cases with multiple events. However, I never got around to 
implementing recurrence stuff in the icalendar files, which may be causing 
some of this, and it's also possible that the driver just doesn't properly 
handle their ics file. I'll try and look at it this afternoon.

> BTW, I've tried stuffing the invite feature into kronolith's edit.inc in
> two styles:  just tacking it on at the bottom, and reformatting the whole
> screen as two columns of sections (so it's a little more readable), but 
> it still doesn't look presentable.

Okay - send off a screenshot (or patch) if you get something workable.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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