[kronolith] Fwd: [dev] Kronolith Shared Calenders (was a *very
long* subject line)
Rodolfo Segleau
Wed, 4 Sep 2002 14:25:41 -0500
> ----- Message from mail.sw.horde.kronolith@spam.fi.basen.net ---------
> Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 21:59:33 +0300
> From: "kaj j. niemi" <mail.sw.horde.kronolith@spam.fi.basen.net>
> Reply-To: "kaj j. niemi" <mail.sw.horde.kronolith@spam.fi.basen.net>
> Subject: Re: [kronolith] Fwd: [dev] Re: [cvs] commit: kronolith/docs CHANGES
kronolithday.php menu.phpmonth.php prefs.php week.php workweek.php
kronolith/graphics private.gif public.gif
> To: kronolith@lists.horde.org
> I'm sort of confused.. how is one supposed to enable groups? I'm
> authenticating off an IMAP server (instead of double login) and
> Administration -> Horde Users states that my authentication backend
> doesnt support adding users (true :-)), Administration -> Horde Groups
> shows zero groups and adding one doesnt seem to propagate into
> horde_categories (trying to edit/add a group or permission statement
> just returns me back to the top level Groups-view.)
> Am running HEAD versions of everything. Recall this was the case when
> running non-HEAD as well.
> Am I missing something fundamental here? ;-)
I did a SELECT statement against the horde_categories table to make sure that
the data was getting fed into the table, and as far as I can tell, the all-
users group was created without a problem. And the horde.perms does reflect the
all-users group. Though I did notice something, when one of the users tried to
access the shared calendar (for Global Events at Mechanus.org), i noticed that
what seems to be session data bled over to the groups and perms categories, not
sure if this is an expected behaviour, but it looks like this:
All Groups
Add Child
Add Child | Edit | Delete
Add Child | Edit | Delete
Add Child | Edit | Delete
Add Child | Edit | Delete
Any ideas?