[kronolith] Query on planned features ;-) (and a bug!)
Michael McCallum
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 17:01:51 +1000
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Hi Guys!
I'm currently running the latest CVS version of pretty much everything, but I'm mainly interested in Kronolith - which absolutely fantastic by the way!! I'm plainning to replace a lotus notes install (50 users) and move all users over to Horde! I have already shown it to management who generated a few question as below.....But first:
The bug I am experiencing is that in the horde administration module, both the horde groups and horde permissions pages show calendars as what looks like an ID string ie:
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Is this a kronolith bug or is it to do with the horde framework itself??
I am also wondering if there are plans for two features:
1) the ability to view multiple calendars on the same page (or alternatively a suggested time function for coordinating a meeting between people) This would probably also apply for resource booking too.
2) the ability for a meeting to record participants and whether they have accepted/rejected a meeting invitation.
Thanks in advance for any replies!
Mike McCallum.
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