[kronolith] Query on planned features ;-) (and a bug!)

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 09:06:06 -0400

Quoting Michael McCallum <mccallum@forge.com.au>:

> The bug I am experiencing is that in the horde administration module,
> both the horde groups and horde permissions pages show calendars as what
> looks like an ID string ie:

This is not a bug; it's the calendar ID we generate.

> 1) the ability to view multiple calendars on the same page (or
> alternatively a suggested time function for coordinating a meeting
> between people) This would probably also apply for resource booking too.

Committed this morning. The scheduling stuff I'm going to work on in the
next few weeks.

> 2) the ability for a meeting to record participants and whether they have
> accepted/rejected a meeting invitation.

Not sure on this one; we'll see how the scheduling goes. I need to spend
more time reading the iCalendar RFCs and see how much of this they provide for.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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