[kronolith] Re: Shared Calendars - ignores default setting
Thu, 12 Sep 2002 14:21:05 -0400
My apologies for mailing in haste.
The problem was mine, I've modified base.php earlier for a different problem and it was screwing this up. The changes were merged in when I updated but my bugs remained :)
Sorry for the trouble, everything actually works perfectly (except for things that will be fixed as per Mike Cochrane's response)
It's getting better all the time.
Quoting Akom <lists@akom2.2y.net>:
> Hi,
> I've just setup a shared calendar, and am using it and even am successfully
> sharing it with another user. There are few problems I've noticed:
> 1) If there are no events in a given calendar, month view produces this:
> Notice: Undefined variable: results in
> /var/www/htmls/horde/kronolith/lib/Kronolith.php on line 257
> Warning: Wrong datatype for second argument in call to array_key_exists in
> /var/www/htmls/horde/kronolith/lib/Kronolith.php on line 257
> 2) I am not interested in a private (My Calendar) that much, but currently I
> cannot delete it nor can I share it. So I had to create a shared cal.
> Problem is, whenever you move to a different month (week, day, etc) the view
> reverts to My Calendar (ignoring the options setting for default cal). This
> in itself would be only a nuisance, but when you select the calendar you
> wanted instead, it reverts back to current month(week,day)!!!! So there is
> currently no way to see another page of a shared calendar except current.
> That is a problem.
> Seems that the problem here (in addition to default Calendar setting not
> being set and not being read) is that the link for the nav buttons isn't
> constructed with the inclusion of the current calendar(s) parameter. Even if
> I select multiple calendars for view, it still reverts to My Calendar every
> time I navigate.
> 3) Adding new event page also ignores the default calendar setting. (Always
> set to My Calander by default). (only a nuisance)
> If all this is already known, please ignore it :)
> Akom
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