[kronolith] lib/Kronolith.php - non-object call

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 10:54:17 -0400

Quoting Rodolfo Segleau <segleaur@mechanus.org>:

> I was testing out the Nag/Kronolith integration features to see it
> working, which in the calendar view it seems to not have a problem (though 
> the task is not being displayed). But in the Horde Summary view, you get 
> this error:
> Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object
> in /var/www/horde/kronolith/lib/Kronolith.php on line 142

I can't reproduce this, and tasks show up fine in the day view.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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