[kronolith] couple of questions

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sat, 21 Sep 2002 11:20:52 -0400

Quoting Nate Mollring <nmollring@cennecs.org>:

> Is the 'My Calendar' going to be able to be shared to other users

This is already implemented in CVS.

> Also, does anyone else think that when adding users to the list of 
> 'members' to a calendar it would be nicer to be able to choose from the 
> list of all horde users instead of punching in each email address by 
> itself?

Yes, of course. However, this is complicated because we support some
authentication backends where we can't _get_ a list of users - from, say, an
IMAP server. It's something I mean to look in to when I have some time.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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