FW: [kronolith] ACL in HEAD version

Kurt Van Schaeybroeck kurt.vs@media-art.be
Sun, 29 Sep 2002 06:13:15 +0200

Quoting Kurt Van Schaeybroeck <kurt.vs@media-art.be>:

> I was told that the HEAD version would have ACL
> and merged views from different cal's.

I don't know if "ACL" (Access Control List) is the correct term, but it
does support permissions and user based access.  So you can give people
access to calendars, and restrict their access (read-only, read-write, etc).
And it does support shared calendars, private calendars, and remote
with merged views of any/all of them.

> If this is true, where are how can I create
> those multiple users and different cal's?

In the preferences (options) basically.

Eric Rostetter


Great, but isn't there a control panel anywhere to
add these users etc...?
Same thing for this permission stuff.
I must have overseen it.

Kurt Van Schaeybroeck