[kronolith] kron CVS HEAD issues/questions

Mike Cochrane mike@graftonhall.co.nz
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 12:21:09 +1300

> ----- Message from eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu ---------
> Running CVS HEAD from about a week or so ago.  Having several issues:
> 1) Sending iCal invites works great.  But some people are only running
>    Office 98, which supports vCalendar but not iCalendar invitations.
>    Anyone thinking about supporting more formats for invitation *sending*.
>    (Note: it already seems to imports vCal attachments correctly)
Not sure about this one.
> 2) I have a "remote" calendar.  When in the calendar, I say not to show it.
>    Every time I come back to calendar, it shows up again.  No matter how many
>    time I say not to show it, it always re-appears next time.  This does not
>    happen for my personal or shared calendars, only for the remote calendar.
Fixed in CVS, thanks. It wasn't saving your selections if you had no remote cals
selected as this isn't allow for personal calendars.

> 3) After upgrading to this latest CVS version with all the really cool
>    shared/multiple/remote/etc calendar support, it is *really slow* to
>    display the calendar.  I've not really investigated, but it appears to

I think Chuck fixed a but in the category sql queires recently, not sure if it
was before or after your checkout.

Remote calendars are only fetched the first time you view them each session,
they are then cached in you session after that.

- Mike :-)