[kronolith] ical files SQL storage

Harry Hoffman hhoffman at ip-solutions.net
Tue Dec 17 09:14:16 PST 2002

  Ok, I'm really confused then. When I create my calendar does an iCAL file get
stored somewhere on the web server for others to access? How does the
interaction happen, say between, Outlook users and Kronolith users?
  I've got down how iCAL works in terms of URL and format I'm just not sure how
Kronolith uses it. I'm sure I'm just not formulating the question correctly.
  I guess I was thinking LDAP/SQL because I wasn't sure where they would be
stored on the webserver, and also whether or not they should necessarily be
available to people outside of registered users.
  Does this make any sense or am I starting to babble?


Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:

*> Quoting Harry Hoffman <hhoffman@ip-solutions.net>:
*> >   It seems that this is for remote lookup?, which is great. But what I
*> > was thinking of is a storage method for free/busy that is available to the
*> > users and known to kronolith so that when a user wanted to lookup/invite
*> > another user to a meeting/etc. that could do so in a manner similar to
*> > looking up the user's email in turba.
*> This *is* available to Kronolith. Free-busy information is defined by a
*> standard; the information as generated by fb.php can be used currently by
*> programs like Outlook to do scheduling. Someone just needs to write a
*> Kronolith UI for using that kind of information - and we'll then be able to
*> schedule with people not using Kronolith, too.
*> I still don't understand why you want to put this into SQL or LDAP where
*> only Horde could get at it, as opposed to the way it is now where it's
*> useful to all programs and portable to boot.
*> -chuck
*> --
*> Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
*> "People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
*>  - Google, thanks to Harpers
*> --
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Harry Hoffman
ITSS Systems Team Leader
University of Auckland
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