[kronolith] 'mail' not configured

Bjørn Ove Grøtan bjorn.grotan at itea.ntnu.no
Wed Feb 26 10:00:16 PST 2003

Running the latest stable-rel. of horde,imp,turba,mnemo,nag and
kronolith (not cvs).

Everything works fine, I can read and send mail, addressbooks works
flawlessly - and the same with mnemo and nag. When I try to use
kronolith (configured as described in docs/INSTALL) I get the following
A fatal error has occurred:

'mail' is not configured in the Horde Registry.

[line 753 of

Details have been logged for the administrator.

>From $webroot/horde/config/registry.php =>
/* mail: Handler for sending mail. */
$this->registry['mail']['compose'] = 'imp';
$this->registry['mail']['composePopup'] = 'imp'; 

What am I missing here?

I've earlier used the CVS HEAD of all applications mentioned above
working without any problems, but this setup is for my
production-installation - and I'd prefer to use stable releases for


Bjørn Ove Grøtan

"SELECT 2 + 2, pi(), 'PostgreSQL is more than a calculator!';"

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