[kronolith] Problems with 1.0 Kronolith and Horde 2.2.1

Joseph Landman landman at scalableinformatics.com
Sun Apr 20 17:43:56 PDT 2003

Hi Folks:

  I have installed Horde 2.2.1, IMP 3.2.1, turba.  They work using a
postgresql backend.  Quite nicely!  I am having problems with Kronolith.

  First, there was no pqsgl driver, so I modified the
scripts/driver/kronolith.sql to work with postgresql (convert all
"datetime" to "date").  That seemed to work.

  Next, I tried getting into Kronolith (after restarting the web
server), and all I got was blank page.  I ran the horde/test.php, and I
found some problems:

	HTML_Common/HTML_Select - No
      * Horde requires the HTML_Common and HTML_Select classes only for
        Kronolith 1.0 to display forms correctly.

The problem is that I used the pear install mechanism to install the
HTML_common package.  There was no HTML_Select package, but there was an
HTML_Select_Common package (which I have installed).  I think something
is missing though I am not sure what.

Any clues?


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