[kronolith] Further work on kronolith/lib/api.php

Matthew Sackman matthew at sackman.co.uk
Tue Apr 22 19:38:55 PDT 2003

On Mon, Apr 21, 2003 at 11:28:16PM -0400, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting Matthew Sackman <matthew at sackman.co.uk>:
> > I've now managed to get the _kronolith_import_vevent to work correctly
> > from xml_rpc. In that function I require horde/lib/iCalendar.php and
> > horde/lib/iCalendar/vevent.php
> Are you saying it doesn't work currently? What's wrong with the code that's
> already there?

On entry to the function _kronolith_import_vevent in api.php, $vevent
contains only text. Ie a pure text representation of the vevent. A
little way into this function, the test:
    if (!is_a($vevent, 'Horde_iCalendar_vevent')) {
        return PEAR::raiseError(_("There was an error importing the
iCalendar data."));

is made which is clearly false as $vevent is plain text. Thus my code
forced the construction of vevent object from the passed text before
the above test is made:

    $vevent = new Horde_iCalendar_vevent();

Where $veventText is the text passed into the function (ie all
references to $vevent from the start of the function until the above
assignment are changed to $veventText).


Matthew Sackman

BOFH excuse #44:
bank holiday - system operating credits  not recharged

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