[kronolith] Cannot create new calendar.
Thomas O'Brien
helpdesk at naprotek.com
Tue May 13 22:34:27 PDT 2003
Currently using
Horde: 3.0-cvs
Imp: 4.0-cvs
Turba: 2.0-cvs
Kronolith: 2.0-cvs
Mnemo: 2.0-cvs
Nag: 2.0-cvs
When I go to the Calendar options and create a new calendar, I get the message:
The calendar "Test Calendar" has been saved.
But it is not. My horde.log file shows the following:
May 13 22:25:10 HORDE [info] [kronolith] SQL Query by Category_sql::_load():
SELECT 0, category_id, category_parents FROM horde_categories WHERE
category_name = 'bd6f8cfb3076bd41e18834ca14dbb1d1' AND group_uid
= 'horde.shares.kronolith' ORDER BY category_id [on line 104
of "C:InetpubsharedroothordelibCategorysql.php"]
May 13 22:25:10 HORDE [info] [kronolith] SQL Query by Category_sql::addCategory
(): INSERT INTO horde_categories (category_id, group_uid, category_name,
category_order, category_data, user_uid, category_serialized, category_parents)
VALUES (8, 'horde.shares.kronolith', 'bd6f8cfb3076bd41e18834ca14dbb1d1',
NULL, 'a:5:{s:5:"owner";s:21:"thomas+AEA-
cbsdev.com";s:4:"name";s:13:"Test Calendar";s:4:"type";s:1:"0
";s:4:"desc";s:23:"Creating a new calendar";s:4:"perm";a:1:
cbsdev.com";i:30;}}}', 'thomas at cbsdev.com', 15, '') [on line 263
of "C:InetpubsharedroothordelibCategorysql.php"]
May 13 22:25:10 HORDE [info] [kronolith] SQL Query by Category_sql::_load():
SELECT category_id, category_name, category_parents, category_order FROM
horde_categories WHERE group_uid = 'horde.shares.kronolith' [on line 133
of "C:InetpubsharedroothordelibCategorysql.php"]
Any help would be appreciated.
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