[kronolith] Multi-user display Patch

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Nov 4 11:39:38 PST 2003

Quoting Robert BARTHEE <r.barthee at auranext.com>:

> We would be pleased to discuss the eventual inclusion
> of this patch in the main source tree because we believe
> that it helps solve some problems in multi-user display.

Okay. I'd like to hear a bit more about it, then.

> Key points of the patch:
> ========================
> * Allow the display of bigger number of calendar


> * Use color on a per-users basis (one color for each user)

Seems pretty awkward with a large number of users. How do you list the users?
And how does this interact with the current category colors?

> * Keep the logic of a color for each type of task

You mean events? Huh?

> * Have the details displayed in a window when placing the mouse on a
> rendez-vous

You mean tooltips, as Kronolith already has?


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"I am not that interested in green food." - Average Joe

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